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HPE Family News Letter June 2024

June 28, 2024

    May 31, 2024                 June 2024 Newsletter Dear Families,  It’s hard to believe the end of the year has arrived! We will be mailing the fourth quarter report cards alon . . .

Sci-fi books are rare in school eve . . .

April 26, 2024

Science fiction can lead people to be more cautious about the potential consequences of innovations. It can help people think critically about the ethics of science. . . .

How counting by 10 helps children l . . .

April 26, 2024

When children start school, they learn how to recite their numbers (“one, two, three…”) and how to write them (1, 2, 3…). . . .

Teaching cursive handwriting to you . . .

April 26, 2024

Good handwriting is not an end in itself. Rather, it is a means to literacy that fundamentally transforms the human experience. . . .

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